Talking Health in the 406
Talking Health in the 406, where we are one community under the Big Sky, is a communication on a variety of wellness topics designed to raise awareness of health issues that impact the daily lives of Montanans. Talking Health in the 406 is intended for everyone, all Montanans, their families, friends and those visiting our great state. Disclaimer: Podcast content does not necessarily represent the views of Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.
Talking Health in the 406
#22 - Becky Franks: Cancer Care and Choices Here at Home
A diagnosis of cancer brings so much fear, so much anxiety, so much unknown, so much loss of control, loss of hope, and a real sense of isolation, particularly in Montana. Join us as guest Becky Franks shares how Cancer Support Community Montana can help those diagnosed with cancer, their caregiver(s) and family, work through these feelings, provide support and choices, here at home.